ATO to extend deadline for future JobKeeper enrolments

Enrolling and identifying employees after May

If you are enrolling for JobKeeper payments for the first time after May, you must enrol your business and identify your eligible employees and business participants by the end of the month you wish to claim for.

> Click here to view Jobkeeper key dates

Businesses who are enrolling in JobKeeper for the first time in June will now be able to complete step 1 and step 2 by the end of June, instead of the first JobKeeper fortnight that they were claiming for.

Employers are still required to pay their employees $1,500 for each fortnight being claimed.

The monthly business declaration — Step 3 — will need to be completed within 14 days of the end of the previous month to receive reimbursements for the JobKeeper payments made in that previous month.

For example, the business monthly declaration for reimbursement of JobKeeper payments for the month of May will now need to be completed by 14 June.

What is Jobkeeper?

The JobKeeper Payment scheme is a temporary subsidy for businesses significantly affected by coronavirus (COVID-19). Eligible employers, sole traders and other entities can apply to receive $1,500 per eligible employee per fortnight.

Jobkeeper Key points:

  • JobKeeper is paid to employers. The ATO does not make payments directly to employees.
  • Enrolment for April and May closed on 31 May 2020, see other JobKeeper key dates.
  • A monthly business declaration must be made by the 14th day of each month, starting in June, to receive reimbursements for payments made in the previous month.
  • Step-by-step instructions are available for sole traders, see JobKeeper guide for sole traders.

There are nine JobKeeper fortnights left until the end of the program, with Jobkeeper currently set to end on 27 September.

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